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Last week I stayed in Armação de Buzios, Rio de Janeiro from Monday to Thursday with a friend of mine, Mariana.  I had the opportunity to keep my eyes on the sky more than I normally do. On Monday, the most beautiful sunset, omg! I was totally astonished by it. We woke up early to see the sunrise and even though the weather was not so good, the clouds were just small accessories when we stared at the sun coming.

Tuesday afternoon, I was excited to see another sunset coming. I got to a beautiful place and waited while reading a book, I could see nothing just a small flash very very to remind myself that the sun was there, but the clouds would keep my vision. That evening the lights of the pier were on earlier. The restaurants onshore appeared so fast. I remember when I stared above while talking to God and saw a dark cloud dancing over my head and fading all the beauty of the sun. It made me meditate on some verses.

And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake. For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
2 Corinthians 4

Indeed, when we cannot see the Light (Jesus), we need the lights of this world to distract us.
The weather forecast was not good. It seems the next day (Wednesday) I would need an umbrella. I woke up after the sunrise but I had scheduled a prayer meeting with a friend at 8. Once again I was sitting on the pier this time the meeting on Zoom with the camera turned to the water. I just realised how the weather was amazing. The cloud was there but the sun was the king and life was happening. The birds were so happy and careless, flying and even a pair was talking on the island before me. They were there for a long time and even a turtle suddenly appeared. At some point, my friend Mahsa said “don’t walk by sight, walk by faith”. This sentence just made me realise how I would miss that opportunity because the previous night was bad and the forecast didn’t help.

That Wednesday, another beautiful sunset, and before 6 in the next morning… it was raining. Mariana said, “look at that, it’s cloudy and it is rainy”. I waited for her approval but at some point, I said “no, I will go, you can stay”. She followed me. 1,9km and at the middle of the path I could see the pink sky! I went faster and arrived on the beach. Another beautiful sunrise and she said “thanks for having faith” rs Another proof that we should not walk by sight, but by faith. Indeed, it turned to be the sunniest day that we spent in Buzios. We had the opportunity to spend two hours on that beach and visit another one nearby. We returned to a vivid city with people happy enjoying the sun. It was a wonderful morning of contemplation. We went on a particular boat trip. The sunny day allowed us to see life and to experience it on another level. I could not expect it while I was forecasting the rainy. Indeed, that week was worthy walking (many km) by faith, walking kilometres in uncertainty but trusting that with God.
First, I am so thankful that He opened my eyes. The wind of the Holy Spirit cleared the clouds and opened my eyes to see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.  It has been a journey with Him so far. And second, in this journey, He is teaching me to not walk by sight, but by faith.

“For we walk by faith, not by sight” 2 Corinthians 5.7
…And there was an anchor in the boat, but this is a story for another conversation!
