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Showing posts from June, 2021

Weather Forecast 28.06.2021

Last week I stayed in Armação de Buzios, Rio de Janeiro from Monday to Thursday with a friend of mine, Mariana.   I had the opportunity to keep my eyes on the sky more than I normally do. On Monday, the most beautiful sunset, omg! I was totally astonished by it. We woke up early to see the sunrise and even though the weather was not so good, the clouds were just small accessories when we stared at the sun coming.     Tuesday afternoon, I was excited to see another sunset coming. I got to a beautiful place and waited while reading a book, I could see nothing just a small flash very very to remind myself that the sun was there, but the clouds would keep my vision. That evening the lights of the pier were on earlier. The restaurants onshore appeared so fast. I remember when I stared above while talking to God and saw a dark cloud dancing over my head and fading all the beauty of the sun. It made me meditate on some verses.   And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who

My second international trip

5th July 2019 Esta foi minha segunda viagem internacional e uma coisa espero ter aprendido, espero ter guardado em meu coração: Não há lugar perfeito no mundo, preciso manter meus olhos focados na céu. Não preciso procurar aqui o que nunca encontrarei. O mundo é lindo, diverso, revela a criatividade do Criador, mas mostra as crueldades na natureza humana, o desejo por poder e domínio, a dor frieza e dureza trazida pelo pecado. . Seja no norte ou no sul, no frio ou no calor, seja na beleza dos museus ou na simplicidade das casas, que eu ande para onde o Senhor me chamar, que meus olhos estejam em Ti e na cidade do meu descanso. . Hebreus 11: 10. Pois ele esperava a cidade que tem alicerces, cujo arquiteto e edificador é Deus. 14. Os que assim falam mostram que estão buscando uma pátria. 15. Se estivessem pensando naquela de onde saíram, teriam oportunidade de voltar. 16. Em vez disso, esperavam eles uma pátria melhor, isto é, a pátria celestial. Por essa razão Deus não se envergonha de
Last week I stayed in Armação de Buzios, Rio de Janeiro from Monday to Thursday with a friend of mine, Mariana.   I had the opportunity to keep my eyes on the sky more than I normally do. On Monday, the most beautiful sunset, omg! I was totally astonished by it. We woke up early to see the sunrise and even though the weather was not so good, the clouds were just small accessories when we stared at the sun coming. Tuesday afternoon, I was excited to see another sunset coming. I got to a beautiful place and waited while reading a book, I could see nothing just a small flash very very to remind myself that the sun was there, but the clouds would keep my vision. That evening the lights of the pier were on earlier. The restaurants onshore appeared so fast. I remember when I stared above while talking to God and saw a dark cloud dancing over my head and fading all the beauty of the sun. It made me meditate on some verses. And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perish

With Love

 I do know where you are now and even if I already know your face. Some people say that you are already in my life, one person said I would meet you in a determined year. Is it true? I do not know. I have prayed a hundred times to have you with me. For many years, I thought I could not ask until an old man told me twice "Girl, you need to tell God what you want... a husband, children, etc". I did. But I do know the reason God hasn't reply me so far. So many things that already happened and I would like to live with you. Well, at least I have some photos. I would say it is not easy for me, if you already know me, you know I'm more sensitive than I would like and I do not show people that I do not know well. I love colours, but I wear discrete and elegant, and I prefer walls painted in white or grey. I have many books and I haven't read 10% of them! Can we have a bookshelf full of them?  I just got distracted with a message, it can happen a bit often. However, nothi